GRITS (Girls, Research, Investigation, Technology & Science) is an after-school program for girls in grades 5-7. GRITS girls spend one day a week after school exploring their interests in the field of scientific discovery, through innovative and exciting experiments, research and sometimes special guests.
Topics in the past have included sustainable living, electrical conductivity, the science of cooking, energy conservation, thermal-dynamics, engineering, biology (dissection), robotics, 3D-printing, women in science and much more.
Learning will be taken to a personal, applicable level when students create their EXPO project at the end of the year, using the scientific process to test a self-created hypothesis. Students will go on field trips (past trips have included the science labs of Warren Wilson College, the Arboretum, The Energy Exchange, the Blue Ridge Assembly, camping and hiking and more), and participate in an annual end of the year trip, which will surely challenge the girls to step out of their comfort zones while participating in some really fun activities!
The GRITS program is a fantastic opportunity for girls in grades 5-7 to make new friends while focusing on a subject that girls are so frequently under-represented in. Our goal is to turn more female minds to science, and have fun while doing so!