Visual Arts
The Visual Arts program at ArtSpace is an exciting mix of creation, collaboration and integration. The projects are aligned with the North Carolina Essential Standards for Visual Art and grade level learning goals. The Visual Art program introduces students to many different media throughout the school year. Experiences with the media become progressively more advanced as the students mature.
The students develop contextual relevancy between visual art and the world around them. Students explore themes that include a personal and family focus as well as cultures of the past and present. Students create art using many different media, learn techniques, and develop an understanding of the elements and principles of art and design. Students learn how to evaluate and talk about art and how to recognize characteristics and styles of a variety of artists and cultures throughout history.
Students in grade K-6 attend art class at least once per week, occasionally more if there is a special project in the works that needs more time. As with all of our art teachers, our Visual Art teacher and the classroom teachers collaborate regularly to create integrated units that enhance and deepen understanding of academic and arts learning goals..
Seventh and eighth-grade students may choose art as an elective each quarter, which they then attend daily. The choices change each quarter. Examples of Visual Art offerings from the past include Art and the Environment, 20th Century Artists, Pottery and Sculpture, Painting and Printmaking, and Portfolio Development.
To see some of the work created in the 2020-21 school year check out the ArtSpace Virtual Gallery.
About Ms. Lacey